Why a Longer Warranty Means a Better Tool
Tool companies make a lot of claims about having the best, state-of-the-art tools. So, unless you buy the tool and use it, how do you know it lives up to its claims?
A great way to know before you purchase your tool is the warranty. When a company stands behind its tools and provides an industry leading warranty, it is a good sign they believe in what they sell.
In the industrial tool world the vast majority of companies offer a 12-month warranty on their products. A few offer 24 months, and on a rare occasion, you might find a 36-month guarantee – but that’s an exceptional situation usually reserved for tools that have few, if any, moving parts.
Tools that are truly fast, innovative and tough meet the challenges and have the warranty behind them to back it up.
When it comes to fast, fast is more than just physical speed. It’s efficiency in performing the desired task. It’s comparing industry leading tools, like FASTORQ tools, against industry “standard” tools and seeing what fast really means.
Innovation drives progress. Let’s face it – we’d all still be driving horse-drawn buggies if someone hadn’t invented a better way to travel. An innovative tool isn’t just one designed and left to serve the masses, but it is designed with the notion that it can be improved, made better, more durable, more efficient and safer. FASTORQ designs tools with this type of innovation in mind with every tool it makes.
Tough is more than lasting through one job without breaking. Tough tools withstand multiple jobs time and time again. Tough tools don’t go in for repairs regularly or come with a service commitment. They are designed to work every time and only get sent to the manufacturer for calibration or cleaning.
So, the next time you need to add a tough, innovative and fast tool to your workforce, you don’t have to purchase on a hunch. Just look for a great warranty program, like the one provided by FASTORQ, and rest assured you are getting the best tools and the best warranties around.
Read below to learn more about FASTORQ’s industry leading warranties and how FASTORQ backs up their claim to have the fastest, toughest and most innovative industrial bolting tools in the business.
The Nuts and Bolts of the FASTORQ Warranty Program

About the Author:
Lisa Raynor-Keck is the Marketing Communications Specialist at FASTORQ. She earned her degree in journalism from the University of Central Florida and gained her early writing experience at newspapers in Michigan and Tennessee. In addition to her press positions, Lisa's work portfolio includes experience as a freelance writer, political campaign ad designer and public relations professional. She also has experience working as an editor and writer for the technology division at Middle Tennessee State University and an articles editor for the Navy's former online military lifestyle website Lifelines. Lisa is currently studying to earn her M.A. in corporate communication at Austin Peay State University.